[1] Clean Malaysia. “Shopping Center Leads the
way for Recycling in Malaysia.”, 27 Oct. 2015, cleanmalaysia.com/2015/10/27shopping-center-leads-the-way-for-recycling-in-malaysia/.
[2] Campbell, Will. “Mixed Materials: Garbage
in the Recycling is Messing Up the Industry.” Spokesman.com, The
Spokesman-Review, 7 Oct.2018, www.spokesman.com/stories/2018/0ct/07mixed-materials-garbage-in-the-recycling-is-messin/.
[3] The Kee Leong. “Smart Recycle and Reward
Bin.” UTAR Institutional Repository, 1 May 2011,
[4] Mustafa and Ku Azir. “Smart Bin: Internet
of Thing Garbage Monitoring System” MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 140,
p.01030, 2017.
While below is the composed literature review:
can comprehend nowadays, the garbage bin frequently being overfilled and
sometime the excess trash often places beside the bin where it should not be. These
practices may lead to increases of mosquitos breed and insect where later on
brings various diseases. [1] Clean Malaysia article state that consistently a
normal of 30,000 tons of garbage has been created and the rate of reusing is
only 5 percent. Besides that, unveiled by National Ministry of Urban Wellbeing,
Housing, and Local Government, these practices influence the air contamination
on earth. [1] On the other hand, as stated in Clean Malaysia article, one of
Malaysia initiative in tackling the issue is by letting the shopping center
leads the way to recycling but internationally speaking, [2] from a
Spokesman-Review article written by Will Campbell, the sorting of mix recycle
item has been the top problem face by the modern recycling system.
This is a project report inscribe by The Khee Leong, a student from University
Tunku Abdul Rahman. From the report written, the writer indicates that there is
a separation of container process, this is almost similar from sorting system
that would be develop for the Sorting and Monitoring of Recycle Item with IOT. On
top of that, the writer tells that servo motor is the most suitable used for
this purpose because servo is an automated system if else, a mechanism which
adjust itself during continued operation through feedback. Moreover, the writer
project needs an accurate mechanism to separate the container, thus the servo
motor is easy to be control. Literally speaking, Sorting and Monitoring of Recycle
Item with IOT will be using similar motor for the sorting mechanism as it
proven to be functional.
This is a research done by Mustafa and Ku Azir from Universiti Malaysia Perlis.
In general, waste management is an activity to handle or administer waste from
beginning until its final disposal. This activity have is currently handled by
using a manual eye monitoring where the worker has to check frequently the
waste quantity. Without a doubt every time this activity is happening,
contamination will occur to the person. By using a more systematic waste monitoring
technology, work can be done more efficiently. In response to this reason, they
research and build a project of monitoring system using ultrasonic sensor and
at the same time introduce the function of IOT.
Conclusion: So base on this 3 input, i manage to decide which technical sensor and type of monitoring sensor to be use for the project. It also give strong reason for me to proceed with the project
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