Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 3 - Introductory FYP 1 Briefing

Title : First FYP Briefing

Activity :
On 20/2/2019(Wednesday), FYP1 introductory briefing was conducted. The briefing was conducted in TTL G04 and the attendance is compulsory.
The briefing was conducted by Madam Siti Marwangi and FYP comittee.

Objective :
  • To find and declare FYP supervisor within due date.
  • To know and declare the detail about FYP title within due date
  • To determine the requirements needed in FYP.

Content :
In the briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about :
  •  Introduction
  • Objectives
  •  Credits and duration (schedule given)
  • Scope of projects
  • Title selection (handout given)
  • Project Assessment
  • Presentation day
  • Submission date of project

Conclusion :
The students were required to carefully select the title of the project. For degree students, the title must reflect the capability and knowledge of a degree student. Students may select the titles that are offered by lecturers (FYP supervisors) or come out with own ideas. Speaker also inform that we can refer to regarding previous FYP ideas

Handout and Photos:

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Week 2 - Scouting for FYP supervisor

Title : Scouting for FYP supervisor

Activity :
On 2nd week, I basically was scouting for potential supervisor to guide my FYP1. As I scouted I met my previous Electronics 2 lecture which is Madam Norhayati bte Yussof which is a lecture in Electronics Engineering Section. She agreed to be my FYP supervisor

Objective :
  • To find and declare FYP supervisor within due date.
  • To know and declare the detail about FYP title within due date

Content :
In the first meet, supervisor did request for :
  • Suggested project/ Project titles
  •  Project description
  • Scope of projects

Conclusion :
The ideas of project is to be discussed on the next meeting.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Week 1 - Self Introduction

Assalamualaikum, my name is AHMAD AIZAT BIN ARZMI. I am a student of UniKL British Malaysian Institute. My course is Bachelor of Engineering Technology (HONS) in Electronics. Basically, this blog is about my progress report on my Final Year Project. All the works or research that I've made will be updated in this blog.